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You've heard of furries in space, now get ready for funnies in space

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (HGG) is incredibly fun, witty, and charismatic. I had heard tons about the series but never had the chance to absorb it, and now I can! It's like Dune  and Monty Python  had a baby. The outrageous sci-fi names, the back and forth plot that somehow works, and the wacky British humor melt together to form this wonderful piece of sci-fi comedy. Such simple things as "You're turning into a penguin. Stop it." had me holding in laughter at one in the morning so I didn't wake my roommate. Sci-fi comedy is something I feel needs to be tapped more in mainstream media. Most modern sci-fi is too serious, but then again the most recent try at sci-fi comedy was Seth Macfarlane's failed crude Star Trek parody. But we've seen sci-fi comedy done well with HGG , and Galaxy Quest , Spaceballs , and so on, so why can't contemporary movies hold up? I personally think it's because comedies these days have lackluster writing...

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